How to start a business: some tips from Axel Hesse

A lecture by the founder of the famous IT company VYDA, motivational speaker and business coach Axel Hesse (Germany) on the topic "The future begins now! Practical tips how to succeed" was held on November 28 at Igor Sikorsky Technical University of Ukraine.

To the 70th Anniversary of National Academic Choir

 “National academic choir of KPI”. For the hundreds of former and present students of KPI these words really mean a lot: high art, funny pranks of energetic youngsters, friendship and the spring of life.

How to create educational studios in the library

In June 2017, the city contest of the "Participation Budget" projects, the so-called GB2, has started for the second time. And one thing was clear to us - we will not miss this opportunity, we have a too global goal.

News from space orbit

Six months ago, on May 26, a poly-satellite "PolyITAN-2-SAU" was launched into the near-Earth orbit. This is already the second nanosatellite, designed and manufactured at the Igor Sikorsky KPI under the guidance of Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Science Borys Rassamakin.

The anniversary of rocket catastrophes in Baikonur

October 24, 2017 the State Polytechnic Museum in the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” hosted a roundtable on two tragic dates - the 57th anniversary of the rocket catastrophe in October 24, 1960, which killed 74 people and another 52 died in hosp

Honored the memory of the heroes

On the occasion of the Day of Goodwill and Freedom that celebrates in Ukraine on November 21 and in honor of the beginning of two revolutions: The Orange Revolution (2004) and the Revolution of Goodwill (2013), the teachers, employees and students of the National Technical University of Ukrain

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