Heat engineering in metallurgy

In October, the International Metallurgical Forum “Science and Innovation” was held in Kyiv. Its organizers were NAS of Ukraine, Smart Holding, Metinvest Group, Interpipe, ArcelorMittal, and “Eurasia”.

"OSA" invites to communicate. You should not be afraid

The guest of the first meeting of the intellectual club "OSA", which took place in the Scientific and Technical Library of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on November 14, was the rector of the University Mikhailo Zgurovsky.

The public right educational event for students

On November 17, took place the public right educational event of the Main Regional Department of Justice in Kyiv and the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

Biliashivskyi Mykola Fedotovych - The founder of the KPI library

24, October 2017 was the 150th anniversary of Biliashivskyi’s birth. Mykola Biliashovskyi (1867-1926) was an academician at National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, an archaeologist, an art expert, an ethnographer, a museum expert and the forst librarian of the KPI.

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