We are going to open online courses

Among the public projects that were proposed by the teachers and students of our university and became the winners of the contest of the Kyiv city state administration "Public Budget 2017", there is a project to create a studio for the production of massive open online courses "Belka MOOC" at NTB

The development of the MMI scientists in the food industry

Among the innovative projects of the KPI students presented to the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, during his visit to our university, the most interesting are technologies and equipment for ultrasonic cavitation milk processing (see photo).

Kyiv Polytechnic at the International Innovation Forum

The International Forum "INNOVATION MARKET",  within which a number of events took place, was held in the International Exhibition Center in Kyiv on November 21-24, 2017. The employees of our university actively participated in the forum.

Alexander Sergiyovich Boltenko has turned 75-years-old!

On the 5th December 2017, Alexander Boltenko, a Head of the Department of the history of the aviation and cosmonautics of the National Polytechnic Museum of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv ­Polytechnic Institute, a lieutenant colonel in resignation, the Head of the Ukrainian Central Council of veterans of the

Meeting with employers at the FBME

Promoting the placement of graduates along with professional orientation has always been and is an important part in the work of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute as a whole.

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