Concert of Tempeya Nakamuri

December 1, within the plan of events of the Year of Japan in Ukraine, was a concert of the most fascinating pianist-virtuoso and composer— Tempeya Nakamura at the Center for Culture and Arts of the Igor Sikorsky KPI which were organized by the Ukrainian-Japanese Center of Igor Sikorsky KPI and

There is nothing unattainable

Let me introduce to you Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine scholarship holder Maria Voloshchuk, a VІ year of studies student of Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Department of Automation of Chemical Productions.

Studying helps to sort out life

"The one, who wants to learn - finds opportunities, the one, who doesn’t want - seeks excuses," this is the motto of Anastasiia Shakun, a student of the 4th year of XTF.

Stepan Dmitrovich Ivasishen is 80!

On December 10, 2017, Stepan Dmitrovich Ivasishen, a well-known mathematician, a talented teacher, a professor, a head of the Department of Mathematical Physics of the FPM, an academician of the Higher Education Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, tu

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