Visit of Chinese Embassy in Ukraine

On 17th February, 2017 embassy delegation of China in Ukraine in the face of China First Embassy Secretary of in Ukraine Zhang Wei and China First Embassy Secretary in Ukraine Tszinho Wang, who is curator of China and Ukraine cooperation in science and education have visited Igor Sikorsky Kyiv po

The meeting concerning foreign economic affairs

On February 16 a meeting of deputy directors of institutes,deans of faculties of international business and representatives of the departments was held which are responsible for this line of work in their departments.

Visit of Professor Wojciech Hlevytsky

From 27 November to 3 December 2016 in the framework of academic mobility Erasmus + KPI named after Igor Sikorsky prof. Wojciech Hlevytsky came with the visit from the University in Szczecin, Poland (Szczecin University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering).

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