Visit of the FAKS specialists to China

At the invitation of a partner of our university – the BMC consulting company in Beijing, during the period from January 11 to 21, a delegation led by the Dean of the FAKS, Professor O.V. Zbrutskyi, visited the People's Republic of China

Memorandum of understanding with "Panasonic Ukraine"

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute and Scientific Park "Kyiv polytechnics" signed memorandum on mutual understanding with Ukrainian subdivision of one of the best known in the world electronics production corporations- "Panasonic Ukraine Ltd."

Visit of Ambassador of Kuwait

In December, 14, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kuwait to Ukraine, Rashid Hamad Al Adwani visited NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”.

Training specialists from China to FAKS

From 12 to 28 of November 2016 at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Aircraft and Space Systems team was China Beijing BMC International Education Consulting CO, Inner Mongolia Dynamic and Mechanical Institute (China) to exchange experience in creating technology design

About international activities in the university

At the end of October, a meeting with the Deputy Director of / deans of faculties of international activities, heads of international offices at director (dean), project managers and deputy heads of departments of international activities dedicated to the task of the international activities of the university.

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