The 5th Economic Forum of Ukraine-Korea

On July 28, the 5th Economic Forum of Ukraine-Korea "Economic Cooperation in the Context of Euro-Asian Integration" was held at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute n.a. Igor Sikorsky".

Volunteers at the Ukrainian-Polish Forum

Forum of rectors of higher technical educational institutions of Ukraine and Poland was held in KPI n. a. Igor Sikorsky on 4-8 April. The participants discussed international cooperation of Polish and Ukrainian technical universities.

All- German Teachers Forum

At 25 and 26 of November 2016 at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was held the first nationwide forum of German teachers' professional fields German - German in schools and universities in Ukraine today.  "Participating in the forum were 450 linguists from all over Ukraine and

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