New Year ikebana

From 8 to 13 December in the exhibition hall of the Japan-Ukrainian Center NTUU "KPI" there was held an exhibition "New year ikebana."

Interclub KPI acts

Foreign students "KPI" willingly participate in various cultural and educational events. November 8, 2014 the citizens of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea have become active participants in the festival cuisine and cultures of Asia, held in NCC "Ukrainian House".

Cave Verteba: riddles and answers

In summer, many polytechnics traveled around the world, discovering new places, including underground. Today's story is about the mysterious Ukrainian Cave-Museum.

Irina Shekhovtsov's "Autumn Rhapsody"

9-30 September 2014, a solo exhibition "Autumn Rhapsody"  of Irina Shekhovtsov - Senior Lecturer in Management Department of  Faculty of Management and Marketing, Head of the art studio FMM "Innovation"- was held at the Art Gallery of NTUU"KPI".

Grand Prix of Bandurist Choir KPI

20-21 September 2014, VII All-Ukrainian festival of amateur art "song patterns" was held at the Palace of Art of urban village Vorzel Kyiv region.

His main goal is to preserve and promote the further development of Ukrainian folk art.

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