Working together on a project

In frames of the cooperation Polytechnic Lyceum NTUU "KPI" with the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management NTUU "KPI" on the implementation of the project DTEK "Energy Efficient Schools" February 17, 2015 for students of the grades 9-11 participating in the project, Ph.D., Assistant pro

Literary and artistic event in the library of KPI

The series of art educational events, dedicated to known historic and cultural personalities, are carried out for the third consecutive year in the Science and Technical library NTUU “KPI”. The last one, conducted in January of this year, was the 15th.

New Year celebrations at the Center for International Education

New Year - one of the most beautiful holidays of the year, during the New Year all dreams come true. The students of the Center for International Education (CIE) NTUU"KPI" are particularly fortunate. After all, they have the opportunity to celebrate the New Year for three months.

Volunteers – Warriors of Good

The basis of aggression against the Ukrainian state was initiated by two major factors: disorganization of the central government and the general decline of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which were to contribute to the success of the operation with minimal losses.

Volunteer Battalion KPI appeal

We asked all who care to give donation to help military in ATO zone as well as wounded soldiers in the hospitals. The donations will be received: from staff  by the union leaders, from students  by the heads of the faculties student councils.

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