On October, 23rd there was a skype-conference with the Faculty of Applied Mathematics graduate, CEO of PetCube start-up, Yaroslav Azhniuk in the Physics lecture hall of the building #1 on NTUU ‘KPI’.
Traditionally, immediately before the new academic year, students and lecturers of the universi-ty celebrated first year student Day on the square of Knowledge of NTUU “KPI”
An official opening ceremony on the X International Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics (AACIMP)” took place in August, 4, 2015 in the meeting room of Academic Board of NTUU “KPI”.
May 7 at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" solemn meeting on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
The 30th of April in NTUU “KPI” took place a public presentation of innovational city “Polyteco Science City”, in which the world-famous businessman sir Richard Branson took part.
The Conference of the labor collective NTUU "KPI", which took place on April 9 in addition to the collective agreement, also approved the Code of Honor of the University.