Representation of the library in network

Without exaggeration, nowadays the youth "live" in social networks. Here people learn, communicate, work and find answers to many questions, eventually they make new friends and only do not marry.

The future is associated with KPI

Olga Mykolaivna Markina has been already working at the Department of Analytical and Environmental devices and systems for ten years. Last year she won the competition "young teacher-researcher 2015". She is the pupil of the Kiev Polytechnic.

The work is pleasant and necessary

Social worker, educator is not a profession, it is a vocation  which is possible not for everyone. They are invisible in everyday life, but their work requires enormous dedication, humanity and the boundless kindness.

Elena Borychenko - specialist in energy management

The whole world admires the smile of Mona Lisa. Perhaps because they have not seen smile women at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. With no doubt, our mans are lucky  to have a close clever, talented and surprisingly good colleagues.

Anna Mykolayivna Kulyk embroidered the patterns of her life

This is exactly about Anna Mykolayivna Kulyk, associate professor of FMF. Her little Motherland is Ivano-Frankivsk region – the land of original folk artists and embroiderers. The first 5-year old Hannusya’s embroidery was the simple little rose on a piece of old bedsheet.

Trus Inna Mykolaivna preserves environment

Using the benefits of civilization as ususal, we rarely think of saving the Earth resources. For this reason, the research in the field of environmental protection, performed at the Department of Ecology and Technology of Plant polymers (E and TPP) of the IHF is of great importance and demand.

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