Creative and persistent George Vasiliev

When meeting with Georgy Vasilyev - assistant trohimichnyh-electric technology industries ща Сhemical-engineering faculty, the winner of the competition "Young teacher-researcher - 2016" - the feeling that everything in life makes it "excellent." He came to the “KPI” in 2005, in 2009 received a b

Honoring Lydia Padalko

May 25 was the 95' anniversary of Lidia Alexandrovna Padalko - honored Artist of Ukraine, the founder and many year leader of the People's academic chapel of KPI.

Andrey Yelyseiovych Babenko turned 80!

Andrey Yelyseiovych Babenko, Doctor of Engineering, professor, acting Head of the Department of dynamics and durability of machines and resistance materials of MMI, turned 80 years on 2 June.

Award of the President - Associate KPI

For the development of the energy efficient equipment for industry, FEA Associate Professor Sergei Alexandrovich is honored with the prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists on the basis of the submission of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology.

85year anniversary of S. Doroshenko birth

On 7th of May 2016 it was 85 years from birthday of professor, doctor of technical science, head of foundry department in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute from 1974 till 1991, professor emeritus of NTUU “KPI” in 1998, member of Academy of engineering science of Ukraine in 1998 – Stepan Doroshenko.

Improves equipment in pharmaceutical and food industry

Among the young scientists awarded by certificates of NAS Ukraine for achievements in the development of important scientific problems in 2015, the name of Sergey Ihorovych Kostyk - Ph.D., assistant of department biotechnology and engineering FBT is also called.

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