Developments of young people – for the benefit of production

By the decree of the President of Ukraine №509/2016 dated November, 17, 2016, Presidential award for young scientists in 2016 for the work “New inhibitors for corrosion prevention” was given to a team of young scientists of Chemical and Engineering Faculty.

Skulysh Mariia: Woman and scientific research

Institute of Telecommunication Systems -  is one of the largest research centers of the University. Its representatives - both students and teachers - repeatedly became winners of competitions and all kinds of competitions and were awarded professional awards.

Tsapar Vitaly. Cooking glass efficiently

Glass - one of the most widespread and at the same time strangest substances. Products from it not only bewitch your look, but also were useful in economic activity of mankind. It is difficult to make glass  and  demand for it constantly grows.

Svyatoslav Vasilyovich Balitsky celebrate 80 anniversary

The students mountain sports camp “Globus”, which are near Goverla,  is very popular among studentsof KPI. But few of today's visitors remember that from 1994 to 2007 Svyatoslav Vasilyovich Balitsky directed that camp, and 14 November he will celebrate its 80th anniversary

Burnashev Vitaliy controls movement and teaches others

The increasing popularity in the world is gained by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The sphere of theirs application extends: from military action to rescue operations, doctors, firefighters, agriculture and a small-sized supply of goods.

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