In micrometrical tool engineering during manufacturing of electronic components and circuits, in the production of medical instruments, and others, is widely used modern effective technology of contact microwelding, which allows to obtain reliable integral connections of miniature parts. To ensure the high quality of welded joints, it is important to control the introduction of energy into the welding zone.
A think-tank of Industrial Electronics Department, FEL, with assistant professor Olexander Bondarenko who is a member of this group, is engaged in improving the power supply of the welding units, which provides control and regulation of welding current, voltage on the welding contact, load power, or several of these characteristics simultaneously. Successful researches for Olexander led to the Ph.D. defense for the scientific specialty "Semiconductor converter of the electric energy ". Since 2014, he goes the doctoral studies to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, according to the results of the university contest, he was named among the best young research teaching fellow 2016.
The young researcher has a wide range of scientific interests, which include not only the study and development of the power supplies with special characteristics for contact welding, but also the improvement of methods and tools for measuring parameters of semiconductor devices, research and development of computer measuring systems based on inertial sensors and and suchlike. The results of his scientific and practical activities include more than 100 publications, 5 inventions, several successfully completed city and state budget projects.
Olexander Bondarenko’s scientific achievements were marked by the diploma winner of All Ukrainian competition "Invention-2007" in the nomination "Best invention in the field of electronics and communication systems", the diploma the winner of the regional competition of young scientists (2009), the diploma of the National Academy of Sciences Ukraine for scientific work (2011), scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2006-2007, 2012-2014).
The young scientist willingly passes on his experience to students and young scientists. Under his scientific guidance in 2014, was successfully finished Ph.D. defense, another work is planned to be defended in the near future. Twelve master's thesis and more than fifty graduation specialists and bachelors’ assignments were defended under his guidance.
Oleksandr Bondarenko actively cooperates with native and foreign scholars. Regularly participates in international scientific and technical conferences, reviews scientific articles and conference materials. He is a member of the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Moreover, constantly works on improving his professional level. In 2016, he was trained at the international high-tech company Melexis, as well as at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology). Participates in professional training courses, deepens knowledges of English.
Olexander's creative career is an example of singleness of purpose, strong work ethic and searches for a new.