On April 11, 2017 Ivan Vasyliovych Beiko, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Physics (KMF), FMF Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, a renowned scientist in the field of mathematical and computer modelling and complex systems optimal control, celebrated his 80th anniversary.
I.V. Beiko was born in a peasant family in Bukovina. In 1959, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Chernivtsi University. Then he had a successful postgraduate program at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Science of the USSR and a pre-schedule dissertation defense. He made a report at the World Congress of Mathematicians and took the position of junior research scientist and part-time senior lecturer at the Faculty of Cybernetics, in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU). Since 1977 - Associate Professor, and after the doctoral dissertation defense in 1993 he became Professor of the Department of Complex Systems Modelling, KNU. From 2003 to 2008 he took the position of the Director of the Ukrainian- Hungarian Institute of Cybernetics. Since 2008 he has been Professor of the Department of Mathematical Physics (KMF), FMF Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. He lectures on profile subjects - "Calculus of variations and optimization methods," "Mathematical control theory", "Methods of mathematical modelling" and "Numerical optimization methods," – for which he prepared a synthesis tutorial "Objectives, methods and algorithms of optimization" (2010, with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). He has supervised 22 candidates of science and two doctors of science.
I.V. Beiko has created a theory of asymptotically-solving operators to optimize the graph-operator systems. He also led joint Ukrainian-German research on the development of new information technologies under a grant from the NATO and has lectured at the universities of Germany, Canada, Belgium and Austria. He actively conducts research in the topical areas of optimal modelling and management theory and provides scientific leadership of the GDR. His research projects have won at the competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2014 and 2016.
He was awarded the prize of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine for the best scientific work, the lapel badge "Excellence in Education of Ukraine", Yaroslav the Wise Award and with a medal "For significant contribution to the development of education and science." He was elected as a member of the International Radioecologists Association, an academician (2002), a member of the Presidium (2004) and as the Chief Scientific Secretary of the Higher School Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2010).
Ivan Vasyliovych successfully combines scientific and educational activity with world-class sports. He actively participates in the development of mathematical science for sports training and victory strategies optimization. He is the captain of the best Ukrainian volleyball team, "KPI-75", which won the Cup of Ukraine and gold medals in the Championship of the Ukrainian Veteran Volleyball Federation (2015, 2016). His granddaughter Marta Kostiuk is a world champion 2016 in tennis (under 14 years) and his son Taras is a world champion 2013 in tennis (in the category 40+). Science helps in sport and sport helps in science.
Coworkers and friends wish Ivan Vasiliovich good health, active creative longevity, further achievements in science and new sport victories.
The staff of the Department of Mathematical Physics