Department of special medical groups: fashionable to be healthy

Increasingly professionals and enthusiasts who advocate healthy lifestyle stress an advance health and work capacity that nature has given to man - a short-lived. We have to take care of our health in order to maintain active longevity, be competitive in the job market and in life.

Sports traditions

In The National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” historically there are fine sports traditions which were supported and developed throughout all history of University.

Tourist club of KPI "Globe" of 60 years!

In far 1952nd restless enthusiasts - students and employees of KPI - united and created tourist club in which and to this day travelers romantics gather. Under its aegis thousands of campaigns were carried out, is subordinated tens of thousands of tops, is passable millions of kilometers.

Aerobics - a nice way to health and beauty

Aerobics (rhythmic gymnastics) is a complex exercise (walking, running, jumping, etc.), which is performed under the music. It is one of the most popular types of recreational physical culture. Usually there are attended aerobics classes in order to lose weight, improve the figure.

Kendo - Japan, Ukraine

Kendo - Japanese art of fencing with swords, is descended from the ancient art of Ken-jutsu. sword fighting.

Running is fun: it's time to start

"You want to be healthy - run, if you want to be smart - run, if you want to be happy - run" - so it seems, said the ancient Greeks. They knew exercise. Not for nothing they invented the Olympic Games.

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