
Congratulations to the 5th year student of FICS of NTUU "KPI" Artem Kachanovsky for winning a bronze medal at the 34th World Amateur Go Championship (Japanese checkers), which was held from August, 31to September, 4 in the city of Sendai (Japan).

Athletics relay

One of the most popular sports team competition has always been a relay. This is a holiday of health care ,a great amount of fun and positive with no losers. The most important thing is - team spirit. Today, this type is included in program of a competitions with many kinds of sports, including the Olympics.

Sport aerobics

The competition in sport aerobics between the faculties took place on 16 April 2013 in the hall of fitness and aerobics of the sports facility of the NTUU "KPI". There were 18 teams participating in the competition, belonging to the following institutes and faculties: the Institute of Publishing and Printing, the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Chemical Technology, the Faculty of Instrument Design and Engineering, the Faculty of Management and Marketing, the Institute of Physics and Technology, the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, 64 participants altogether.


From March 1 to April 24, 2013 in volleyball gymnasium of the sports complex of NTUU "KPI" within the University Olympics were competitions among the volleyball teams of different faculties. The competition was attended by 25 teams of institutes and university departments.

Sports Tourism

April 19, 2013 according to the Program Olympics of NTUU "KPI" were competitions in sport tourism which were attended by 55 students (40 boys, 15 girls) from 13 institutes and university departments. Competitions were held at two distances: personally-command "line of obstacles of the 1st class" and team distance "Cross trekking II class." On a personal distance "line of obstacles of the 1st class" among women with large margin from rivals won the first-year student Victoria Datsenko (ESEMI), the second place got the third year student Marina Ruban (CIDE), the third place got the second year student Maria Pashen'ko ( FCE).

Sport swimming

April 18 the Olympics "KPI" competitions in sport swimming were in the pool at our university sports complex, teachers of the Department of Physical Education were organizers , headed by professor of swimming Volodymyr Nazaruk.

Competition program included several kinds of sports swimming at a distance of 50 meters: breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly, crawl on back and relay races in which teams from different faculties took part. The relay races consisted of two heats: the free and combined styles.

Sports day of shaping

On April, 17 2013 Sports day of shaping was held at NTUU "KPI" held.
The ceremony began with a parade of participants of competition.
It was attended by 77 students who have demonstrated a vibrant show to audience - their friends, fellow students and teachers.

Opening of NTUU "KPI" Spartakiada

On the 4th of April the inauguration of NTUU "KPI" Spartakiada took place at University Center of Physical Education and Sports. This year it is dedicated to the 115th anniversary of university foundation.

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