Sports and Recreation Complex

Sports and Recreation Complex, 24 AB
Address of Building № 24: Verkhnoklyuchova st., 1/26 (old address - Poliova, 38). The building was built in 1983.

🎥 The Freshman Day 2024. The student year is ahead

According to a long-standing tradition, on the eve of the start of the new academic year, a special event took place at the National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ - the Freshman Day.

KPI climbers are on top again!

It's been almost three years since we congratulated our climbing team on winning the Ukrainian Higher Education Championship. The break was first caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, then a full-scale war broke out. 

Sport in KPI 2023: achievements and tasks for the future

Physical education and involvement of students in regular sports activities in KPI today is given great attention. And this is confirmed by statistical data on the work of sports and recreation sections and the success of KPI students in competitions of various levels. 

Traditional futsal children tournament 2024

On January 5, a children's Christmas futsal tournament was also held at the Polytechnic Sports Complex. It was attended by 6 teams: "CYSS-25-1", "CYSS-25-2", "Temp-1", "Temp-2", "FEMELI" and "Dynamo".

Traditional futsal adult tournaments 2023

On December 29, last year, the All-Ukrainian Charity Christmas Futsal Tournament in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held at the sports complex of the Polytechnic Sports Center. It was organized by the sports and mass committee of the KPI Trade Union.

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