Aerobics competition 2017

Competition in aerobic gymnastics for the championship among the departments under the program of the Spartakiad of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was organized on 20th of April, 2017 in the aerobics and fitness hall of the Center for Physical Education and Sports.

Competitions in gymnastics 2017

Team-Personnel Championship of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” of the gymnastics was on April 5, 2017 on the premises of the Sports Complex of the University.

Competitions in gymnastics 2016

In the sports complex of our university on April 20-21, competitions in gymnastics were held within as a part of the NTUU "KPI" Spartakiade. According to experts, the KPI is the only higher educational institution in Ukraine, where such competitions are held.

Shaping competition

The competition, held upon the Olympics Program of the "KPI", was attended by 85 students of FBMI, FMF, FL, HTF, FMM, FEL, ITC, FPM, fax, MMI, PTI, FIVT, FAT, VPI, IASA, IMD, FBT, IEE. The main aim of the competition is the popularization of sports and healthy lifestyle.

The win of basketball players

23 December in sports complex NTUU "KPI" the finals basketball games among men's teams of XVI Finals Tournament have passed for The Cup of Student union association of Kiev.

The Sports Games 2015 in NTUU "KPI"

From March to May at the University in Department of Physical Education NTUU "KPI" was traditionally held Sports days. According to the results of the competition were determined sportsmans and teams which will represent in competitions local, national and international level.

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