About Classes of Physical Education

Among students of KPI issue of extra hours on physical training that are included in the curriculum are currently debated. They argue that these four hours of training interfere with study process, and instead of them some additional classes of main subjects are advisable.

Sport swimming

April 18 the Olympics "KPI" competitions in sport swimming were in the pool at our university sports complex, teachers of the Department of Physical Education were organizers , headed by professor of swimming Volodymyr Nazaruk.

Competition program included several kinds of sports swimming at a distance of 50 meters: breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly, crawl on back and relay races in which teams from different faculties took part. The relay races consisted of two heats: the free and combined styles.

Aerobics - a nice way to health and beauty

Aerobics (rhythmic gymnastics) is a complex exercise (walking, running, jumping, etc.), which is performed under the music. It is one of the most popular types of recreational physical culture. Usually there are attended aerobics classes in order to lose weight, improve the figure.

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