It's been almost three years since we congratulated our climbing team on winning the Ukrainian Higher Education Championship. The break was first caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, then a full-scale war broke out. 

Over these three years, the national team has seen a generational change. A year ago, our club started its activities again, and during this time we have trained a new generation of young athletes.


On April 5 this year, we hosted the Ukrainian Student Bouldering Championship in the KPI Rock Climbing Club.

The competition was attended by representatives of 12 higher education institutions from six regions of our country - Dnipropetrovs'k region, Kirovohrad region, Kyiv city, Kharkiv region, Sumy region and Poltava region.

For most of the students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute team, it was the first time they had competed at this level. Nevertheless, this was not an obstacle to a good performance.

So, we congratulate Maria Dziuba (FIOT, IS-12) on the second place, as well as Maria Polishchuk (FPM, KV-33) and Mykhailo Kratiuk (FIOT, IP-31mp), who climbed to the third step of the podium. Sophia Pavlova (FIOT, IS-12), Yana Smirnova (FBMI, BF-21) and Oleg Pozniakov (FEL, DV-11) also reached the finals.

In the overall standings, the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute team took second place. 

We congratulate our athletes and their coaches on their worthy performance. We wish them to continue to represent Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at competitions of various levels!

We also express our gratitude to the university staff trade union, the administration of the Polytechnic Sports Center and the campus administration, which helped with the accommodation of the teams, for the help they provided to the club in hosting and holding such a high-level competition.

V.M. Mykhailenko Senior Lecturer of the Department of TOC

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