Terms of use fireworks during the holidays

During holidays, there are many beautiful fireworks, and each of us can become pyrotechnic. We must remember that careless handling fireworks can pose a threat to life and can lead to accidents.

To the rescuer day 2009

September 17 Ukraine celebrates the Day of rescuer - a professional holiday of civil defense (Civil Protection) population - emergency services, fire protection and other special groups that are directly involved in the emergency response of technogenic and natural disasters.

Periodic Table of Elements ... at home

Up to the XIII century, people knew only nine chemical elements: seven metals - gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, lead and mercury, as well as two non-metals - sulfur and carbon.

Beware of sleet!

Annually the doctors assist thousands of people, who have suffered in the sleet period.

There are some simple advices, which will help you to prevent the traumas.

Before leaving the house.

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