Awards for the Most Active

Civic formations for policing used to exist in every organization of the country. But after Soviet Union breakup the society was almost eliminated from the fight with crime for a while.

Be Careful on Water!

Summer is the time for having rest. Lake, river and sea promise us luck and relief. Meanwhile, it is important to remember that water can be the source not only of enjoyment, but of danger. That is why you should be careful, attentive and sober on water.

31 of May is the world day of struggle with smoking . Smoking is the problem of the century.

Tobacco was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. At the beginning tobacco was attributed with healing properties but in Turkey, Britain and Russia in the XVII century was accepted the law providing strict punishmentv for people who smoke tobacco.

If to talk about the present time, in the United States and in the coutries of Western Europe and America observed a sharp tendency toward smoking restrictions. In Ukraine there is a low which prohibit smoking in public places. It is not allowed to smoke in elevator, in payphones, in institutions of healthy care, in educational and correctional institutions,at the playgrounds, in the entrance of residential houses and in public transport including trains.

Prevent a fire!

More than 6000000 fires occur  in the world every year. About 60 thousand from this number  are  in Ukraine. Fires have always been one of the most severe national calamities. In the Middle Ages the major cities of Europe systematically  were devastated by fires.

Railway transport: Be careful! Formula of safety

The developed network of passenger railway transport provides convenience and comfort to people in the country. Railway transport is constantly updated, opening new routes for the needs of the population. During holidays and summer schedule is supplemented with the additional trains.

Public order guards

Today social formation has about 500 students from the university. The completing of the social formation is at the beginning of each school year.

The Formula of security. If you have gas in the apartment ...

The greatest numbers of accidents during the usage of gas at home happens because of the unauthorized equipment powering or the repair of gas appliances, the installation of additional gas appliances in violation of safety requirements, the setting of compulsory exhaust systems in kitchens and

Be careful. Security formula

Believes that there are still more good people on earth than bad. But sometimes we think differently, because evil people are often more visible and aggressive than their antipodes .

Rules of behavior in the subway

Specialists of the  department  of labor protection, industrial and civil safety together with Labor Safety  of NTUU"KPI" start this year rubric "Formula of Safety," which will be offered to readers of the newspaper "Kyiv Polytechnic" series of articles devoted to the protection of

National Day of Labour Protection

Seeking to draw the attention of the international community to create appropriate conditions for a person on the basis of priority of life and health, International Labour Organization (ILO) annually celebrates the World Day of Labour Protection.

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