Thief arrested red-handed

The thief who on the night of Sunday to Monday April 17, 2017 for the purpose of theft penetrated to administration of KPI n. a. Igor Sikorsky was detained. Upon crime and burglary event details were included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations.

Victoriia Yasynetska is unindifferent and courageous

It has been revealed to “KP” editors that the leadership of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute received an official note signed by university business manager Yana Tsymbalenko and supported by the chief of Solomyansky Police Department district №1 Paul Vasilenko.

Police arrested a young man who stabbed three students of KPI

Police officers qualified event as hooliganism. A suspect is in custody. The event occurred about a month ago in Solomyansky region in Kyiv. It was established that about at 01.00 hour three students of "KPI" were returning to the hostel on Borschahivska street.

Meeting with the head of Solomyansky Police

February 10 representatives of university student organizations met with the new chief of Solomenskiy police Department of the Main Directorate of the National police in Kiev by Pavel Vasilenko.

Work safety will be provided

On the 28th of April 2015, at the trade union of the university employees session, the process of enforcing of the “Work and Health Safety” section tasks of the Labour Contract of the NTUU “KPI” was reviewed.

Congratulate with the world day of labor protection!

April 28th Ukraine together with the whole world celebrates the Day of labor protection. The World Day of labor is celebrated in Ukraine for ten years, draws public attention to the labor protection problems and improves safety.

Rewarding members SFPOP

Social formation on public order protection SFPOP NTUU"KPI" is the reliable support of the university in ensuring public order on its territory.  Its active members have received many gratitudes, certificates, awards from the management staff, the university, district.

Charity trip of public formation of KPI

7 June 2014 the Kiev Polytechnics carried out charity trip to the orphanage at Belya Tcerkov. Now there are 133 pupils with various health problems. The ride was dedicated to International Children's Day.

Security Officers were Honoured

The main task of the State is not only to provide citizens with a wide range of rights and freedoms, but also to create conditions for their proper realization.

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