Lecture of Mr. Herbert Mang, Honorary Doctor of NTUU "KPI", Professor of Vienna University

On the 11th of March honorable doctor of NTUU “KPI”, professor of University of Vienna Herbert Mang (Austria) spoke to students, aspirants and lecturers with the lecture on “Past, present and future researches on sustainability of engineering structures”.

Herbert Mang dedicated his lecture to review of the results of researches in the area of sustainability of engineering structures, began with the works of Leonard Ayler and Stepan Timoshenko and finished with some results of his own scientific researches, modern state in this discipline and perspectives of its further development.

Participation of NTUU “KPI” in events devoted to Israeli Days of Culture in Ukraine

On February 13, 2013 the exhibition of works of Israeli artists “In the footsteps of Marc Chagall” took place at the hall of National Technical Library of NTUU “KPI”. Marc Chagall was a Russian artist of Jewish origin. He is recognized as one of the most significant painters and graphic artists, printmakers, and designers of the 20th century who had managed to combine ancient traditions of Judaic culture with actually modern innovation.

NTUU “KPI” took part in events being held in the frames of Israeli Days of Culture in Ukraine.

Lecture of V.Khrystenko

On September 11, NTUU "KPI" was visited by a delegation of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board, led by its chairman, Viktor Khrystenko. After exploring history and the present of NTUU KPI Viktor Khrystenko delivered a lecture to University students and instructors on "Experience and perspectives of the Eurasian economic integration. Global context."

Fir-trees were not always

For many years, on the front page of the New Year issue of our newspaper next to the Rector's congratulation it is published the winter photo of the first building, made in a week or a month before the release.

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