Hewlett-Packard in NTUU”KPI”

On April 2, 2009 the delegation of Hewlett-Packard International Trade B.V. Representative Office in Ukraine headed by its General manager Serhiy Savenko visited NTUU”KPI”.

Leaf through the pages "For the Soviet engineer"

All groups are provided places for practice on the most advanced enterprises of our country. Sufficient to note such giants as GAZ of Molotov, HTZ, STZ, CTZ, VMS, Rostselmash, Novo-Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant, Voroshilovgradsky Plant.

Renovated Great Physical Auditorium

Undoubtedly, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is considered to be the most magnificent university in Kyiv. On the premises of its buildings, you feel as if you put your hand to the discoveries and studies that were carried out by great scholars.

Daisaku Ikeda - Honorary Doctor of KPI

On 26-28 April a delegation consisting of the University Rector M. Zgurovsky, his assistant O.L.Poptsovoyi and scientific secretary of the UNESCO Chair "Higher Technical Education, Applied System Analysis and Informatics" prof.

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