To scientists, engineers, inventors, creators of new technical equipment and new technologies, to all employees of Kiev Polytechnic Institute!
Dear friends!
I heartily congratulate you on the International Day of Intellectual Property!
On April 26 inventors, engineers and scientists around the world celebrate World Intellectual Property Day. Almost every employee of the university is directly involved in this holiday. As all who work in KPI, one way or another, contribute to technical progress by their developments, researches, teaching activity, aimed at rising a new generation of experts for the real economy.
Today, when innovation component becomes crucial to ensure the normal life of the State and when only economy based on knowledge and intelligence can be efficient, such activity is the driving force of social progress. It is you who is on the edge of it now. And it is on your work – creative and inspired - depends whether Ukraine will have a decent future.
Therefore, create, experiment, accumulate shared intellectual capital – the best foundation for our common prosperity and the best legacy that we can pass on to future generations!
I wish every one of you health, happiness, inspiration and success in work for the sake of our country!