Library Developing Strategies: From Idea To Implementation

“The strategies of developing libraries: from an idea to implementation” - the title of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, which took place online on October 6-9, 2020 hosted by Hryhorii Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University of Ukra

Antonov An-2 Heads To Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

The Antonov An-2 aircraft is undoubtedly a legend of domestic aircraft.  This is the world's mass-produced single-engine biplane utilityand agricultural aircraft in the history of aviation.  It is also a light multi-purpose aircraft - one of the two that have been mass-produced for the

At the meeting of the Trade Union Committee: Frankly About the Important

The trade union committe of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, which took place on September 8, resolved several issues at the meeting. The first agenda item was the most urgent issue concerning the beginning of a new academic year: “The organization of the educational process at the university under quarantine”.

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