Congratulations to all freshmen on entering Kyiv Polytechnic!

Dear freshmen! On behalf of the thousands of staff of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", let me sincerely congratulate the new addition of first-year students on the introduction to our friendly family!

"Metropolis" in the university

What is metropolis? Different dictionaries define this concept a little differently, but in general all definitions agree on one: it is a giant city formed as a result of the growth and absorption of the surrounding settlements.

At the meeting of the Academic Council: 07.09.2020

The question of the beginning of the new academic year was heard first. Rector Michael Zgurovsky reported. He informed about new forms of holding meetings, transformation in the domestic system of higher education in general and in our university in particular, scientific certification of higher education institutions, the University Development Strategy and directions of its reform.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

Dear Kyiv engineers, students, lecturers, staff! The new academic year begins today. It has never taken place in empty auditoriums, without the traditional celebration of Kyiv engineers on the Square of Knowledge, without thousands, ten thousands smiling faces of young people who came to the university to build their future.

Happy Ukrainian Independence Day!

Dear colleagues, lecturers, students! Today is the Ukrainian Independence Day. For 29 years – freely, loudly and ubiquitously the words "Glory to Ukraine!" have sounded

Happy Day of the National Flag of Ukraine!

Dear colleagues! Today we honor one of the symbols of the Ukrainian State - the Blue and Yellow Flag. On this day in 1991, for the first time in a decade of disdain and prohibitions, people's deputies solemnly introduced the national flag to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

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