🇺🇦 Dear polytechnics! On August 24, we celebrate the Independence Day of Ukraine, one of the most important holidays of our nation. The independence gained in 1991 is the result of the struggle of many generations of Ukrainians.

And nowadays Ukrainians are defending the independence of their country, giving the most valuable thing - their own lives. The trials that our people have faced once again prove their resilience and invincibility.

On this day, we are not only proud of our country and its people, we remember and honor those who fought for the freedom of the Ukrainian state. Among these heroes are many teachers, staff, students and graduates of KPI. Kyiv Polytechnics stood up to defend democratic values during the Revolution on Granite, the Orange Revolution, and the Revolution of Dignity. They held blue and yellow flags in the walls of our alma mater back in 1989 at the 1st Congress of the People's Movement of Ukraine, which became a powerful driver on the way to restoring Ukraine's independence.

We, as educators and scientists of the leading technical university, must step up our efforts to further strengthen our independence by strengthening the energy and information security of the state, enhancing its defense and industrial potential, and forming the intellectual elite of society.

🇺🇦 On this day, I would like to wish the KPI team and every Ukrainian strength and power in defending our independence, prosperity of our homeland, unwavering patriotism, harmony and prosperity.

Dear KPI community, I congratulate you on the Independence Day of our country!

Glory to Ukraine!

Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Anatoliy Melnychenko

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