Meeting with the head of Solomyansky Police

February 10 representatives of university student organizations met with the new chief of Solomenskiy police Department of the Main Directorate of the National police in Kiev by Pavel Vasilenko.

“European educational initiatives” forum

“European educational initiatives” forum was hold in February, 23 in NTUU “KPI”. The participants presented the project with the same name and the programs of cooperation development of IT-business with university of Ukraine.

Electronic campus KPI: Steps to improve

A meeting of the working group, created on the initiative of the first vice-principalYuri Yakimenko, on improving the system "Electronic campus of KPI" was held.  

Chernobyl: 30 years later

This year on 18 February, a group of students and employees of KPI visited places directly connected with the greatest manmade disaster of the -the accident at the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Work of occupational safety in 2015

The main goal of labor protection department "KPI" is and remains the introduction of European norms, standards and values in terms of labor, the realization of the constitutional right of workers to protection of their life and health.

Vintage Editions on Arts and Architecture in STL

The library stock of rare and valuable books of H.I. Denysenko’s Scientific and Technical Library of NTUU “KPI” keeps many books on various branches of science and education, including textbooks from XVIII–XX c. Among the books, the collection of literature on arts and architecture of XIX–XX c.

Commemoration of Heaven’s Hundred Heroes

On February, 19th next to the Heaven’s Hundred monument students and lecturer of KPI commemorated Kyiv polytechnicians – participants of the Revolution of Dignity and ATO warriors who gave their lives for freedom and independence of our country.

“KPI Start-ups Prospective Projects” workshop

In February, 18 "KPI Start-ups Prospective Projects” workshop took place in Scientific Park “Kyiv polytechnic” with the participation of “Boeing Ukraine” company representatives, “Progresstech” group of companies and Embassy of USA in Ukraine.

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