An unusual computing guide in NTB

Means of computer technology have appeared for a long time. Originally, they were counting sticks and pebbles (in Latin - calculi), subsequently the abacus and counters appeared.

Sports club "Talisman": the formula of success

Already for three decades exists in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute sports club "Talisman". At first it was a club of rhythm and health, but with the advent of a new direction - aerobics - it became an aerobics club and, in fact, confirmed its name "TALISMAN".

The President of Polish Educational Foundation «Perspektywy» Waldemar Siwinski was awarded with the title of the Honorary Doctor of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

On October, 2, in the Hall of Meetings of the Academic Council of the KPI was held a solemn ceremony of awarding the diploma “Honorary Doctor of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, a mantle and an honorary badge for the well-known Polish public and state figure, founder and president of the Polish Educational Foundation “Perspektywy “, a true friend of Ukraine, Valdemar Siwinski.

KPI rock climbing hall opened

September 22, in sports complex KPI Igor Sikorsky held a solemn opening of the rock climbing hall "KPIskelya". It will become a training base not only for the Kyiv Polytechnic National Team - anyone interested in climbing can do this.

Joined by library

“The third place” is a very popular concept today. It is a place where person wants to go rather than come back home. This is a place to which people hurry in after their work. Is a library a third place where anybody can find book, work or hobby?

Viktor Mikhailovich Slidenko is 70!

July 15, 2017 was 70 years old assistant professor of the department of electromechanical equipment of energy-intensive industries IEE, candidate of technical sciences Victor M. Slidenko.

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