On a book forum: for youth and adults

The Forum of Publishers in Lviv is one of the largest cultural events in Ukraine. Hundreds of books are presented here annually and dozens of creative meetings take place. This year's 25th anniversary forum took place in September, the theme of which is Freedom.

Help for birds

The cold is coming again, and it is a difficult period of survival in the life of the birds. Some of them fly away to the warm and rich sites of the land, and those that remain during winter, need our help. A real-life gift for birds can be feeders, placed by caring people in the parks.

Praising of the Motherland’s defenders

On the eve of this holiday, on October 12, students and university staff gathered at the museum square near the monument to Igor Sikorsky and walked to the Temple of St. Nicholas, the heavenly patron of the Kyiv Polytechnic.

Visit of the Polish Space Agency delegation

Representatives of the Department of Science and Innovation of Igor Sikorsky KPI and researchers working on the implementation of the University Space Program had a meeting with representatives of the Polish Space Agency on October 10.

Exhibition of Nataliia Shemyakina

An exhibition of the artist Nataliia Shemyakina entitled “Breath of the Autumn” is taking place in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’s Arts Gallery. It presents works created in various techniques of artistic painting of fabrics (batik).

Request for Refutation

Due to the fact that at the meeting of the working group of the Kyiv City Council, established on September 18, 2018 at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Kyiv City Council on Urban Development, Architecture and Land Use, unreliable information about allegedly illegal construction on the street Polyova, 38, the university appealed to the head of the Standing Committee of the Kyiv City Council on Urban Development, Architecture and Land Use O.G.Mishchenko with the requirement to refute the information indicated

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