Representatives of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute have once again joined the cohort of the best young scientists in the country. They adequately represented the university in the competition of the Council of Young Scientists under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Young Scientist of the Year 2023”. Three of them won in different nominations.


On May 18, on the Day of Science, the Kyiv House of Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine hosted a solemn award ceremony for the winners of the annual All-Ukrainian competition “Young Scientist of the Year 2023”. The competition has 100 nominations, each covering a different field of research. The competition aims to recognize and support the significant achievements of young scientists, popularize science, and increase interest in research. The winners were determined by the sum of the jury's points and the results of open voting, which ensured transparency and impartiality of the selection and testified to the recognition of the submitted works by both experts and a wide range of specialists.

Launched in 2021, this competition has become a tradition and provides an opportunity for master's students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young researchers to showcase their abilities and achievements and receive well-deserved recognition. Participants present their research and works in such fields as natural and mathematical sciences, science and technology and engineering, agricultural science and food, healthcare, etc. There are also military sciences and civilian security, management and administration, service sector, and social and humanitarian fields.


Here are the winners of the Young Scientist of the Year 2023 competition.

Yana Shumilo, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics at the Faculty of Management and Marketing, won the Insta Scientist nomination. “This achievement confirms the high level of her scientific and professional achievements, as well as the importance of her contribution to the development of modern economic science,” the department believes.

By the way, the scientist's achievements were presented in two categories: “Marketing” and ‘Insta Scientist’, because the main field of research interests of Y. Shumilo is the marketing activities of enterprises. Her dissertation research and more than 40 scientific papers deal with various aspects of this topic. The researcher pays special attention to the use of artificial intelligence in marketing activities, in particular, this was discussed in the research work under the grant of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Artificial Intelligence Tools in Managing the Behavior of Economic Agents in the Digital Space”, performed under the supervision of Dr. Svitlana Turlakova.

In general, in addition to her scientific activities, Yana Mykolayivna has more than 5 years of practical experience in marketing. She actively participates in various events as a speaker and is engaged in educational activities in her blog, which has more than 6 thousand subscribers. In this way, she not only disseminates marketing knowledge but also popularizes the scientific approach to this field among a wide audience. Her success was recognized with a scholarship from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2021-2023, and she was among the thirty best young scientists in Ukraine at the Polish-Ukrainian summer camp for young scientists in 2022, where she had the opportunity to exchange experience with foreign colleagues. “Her work is a vivid example of how young scientists can combine theory and practice, contributing to the development of science and business at the same time,” the researcher's colleagues recognize.

Ihor Svoboda, a graduate student at the Department of Information Security at the Institute of Physics and Technology, won in the Scientific Project nomination. The award was given for his participation in the international project from the COST Association “Enabling multilingual eye-tracking data collection for human and machine language processing research (MultiplEYE)”. By the way, he is not only among the leaders himself, but also involves his students in his work. Under his supervision, students Oleg Gumenyuk and Anastasia Komar took 2nd place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on artificial intelligence, which recently ended at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, with their research “Generation and analysis of event networks from Telegram news channels using artificial intelligence”. “It was an honor and a great pleasure to be your supervisor, and I look forward to further victories,” the mentor addressed his students.

Inna Bilous, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Thermal and Alternative Energy of the Institute of IAE, received the special award “Innovation of the Energy Sector”. As a successful specialist in energy efficiency and energy management, she is well known at Kyiv Polytechnic: she won the university competition “Young Lecturer-Researcher” in 2018-2023, was a laureate of the President of Ukraine Award for Young Scientists in 2020, a laureate of the Verkhovna Rada Award for Young Scientists in 2022, a scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2018-2020, 2020-2022 and 2022-2024.

In addition, Inna Bilous is also known in the national and international energy community. She has been involved in the implementation of international Erasmus+ KA2 projects on the potential of universities to accelerate the resilience and viability of Ukrainian cities, as well as international online learning to promote resilience, empowerment of energy networks, and digitalization of higher education. Currently, the researcher is working as part of the Science for Peace and Security program (NATO SPS project “Development of prefabricated buildings and their energy systems - Q-Built”). She is engaged in the development of prefabricated tents. The developments can be used for military camps and tent cities for internally displaced persons. The functioning of such mobile settlements requires an autonomous power supply, as each temporary building is equipped with a mobile platform that will generate energy to ensure the operation of engineering systems and maintain comfortable conditions in the building.

Equally important are the government-funded research projects in which the scientist participated. They concerned the engineering aspects of the functioning of the energy management system of residential and public sector facilities (2018-2020), the scientific basis for analyzing methods of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings to almost zero energy consumption (2020-2022), the development of technical and technological schemes and control systems for heat supply of settlements based on thermodynamic approaches (2019-2021), the substantiation of non-stationary modes and characteristics of combined heat and cooling supply of energy-efficient buildings based on heat pump systems (2019-2021). Moreover, Inna Yuriivna, as part of the team, is currently working on the technical development of an intelligent low-temperature heat supply system for buildings based on a condensing modular boiler (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 872 “On Approval of the List of Scientific and Technical (Experimental) Developments within the framework of the State Order for the Most Important Scientific and Technical (Experimental) Developments and Scientific and Technical Products in 2023”). In general, her credo in her work is from energy efficiency to energy independence.

“In difficult times for Ukraine, in the face of constant terrorist attacks on the country's energy facilities, it is especially gratifying to be a laureate in this particular nomination,” the laureate said during the award ceremony.

It is really pleasant and honorable that the university community is growing and improving its achievements of specialists in various scientific fields that are recognized in Ukraine and the world.

Nadia Libert

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