How to learn to manage capital?

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is opening enrollment for a bachelor's degree in the new specialty 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market" - under the educational program "Financial Management" - this announcement in social networks attracted the attention of the editorial board of Kyiv Polytechnic. The correspondent asked the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Marketing, Maryna Kravchenko, for a comment on the features and benefits of studying in the new specialty.

FMM student Victoria Derkach about dreams and the present

Ambitious, creative, and hardworking people are usually successful in life and in their professional activities. And the best time to decide on the future, gain initial experience and make a name for yourself is during your student years. And there are many examples of this.

FMM students: creative and motivated

"The purpose of education is the comprehensive development of a person as a personality and the highest value of society, his or her talents, intellectual, creative and physical abilities, the formation of values and competencies necessary for successful self-realization, the education of

FMM is a school of success

Kyiv Polytechnic celebrated its 125th anniversary with significant achievements. The Faculty of Management and Marketing also has something to report. Moreover, in 2022, a difficult year for the country - a year of challenges and trials - the FMM turned 30.

Anna Kukharuk. On the path of Industry 4.0

Today, the implementation of Industry 4.0 provisions is a priority for most EU member states, which Ukraine is seeking to join. The Fourth Industrial Revolution ensures sustainable development, helps reduce the negative impact on the environment, etc.

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