FTI master's student won gold at the prestigious IT competition

Sofia Drozd, a first-year master's student of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis (MMAD), won first place at the Student Research Competition (SRC), organized by the ACM, the oldest and largest international organization in the field of computer science.

KPI team won the Space Heroes CTF 2024

HeroCTF is an annual online cybersecurity competition. The team of dcua of the Educational and Research Laboratory "Technical Information Security" of the Institute of FTI KPI took first place.

KPI students are among the winners of I-FEST² 2024

The international competition in engineering, science and technology I-FEST² 2024 brought together more than 500 scientific and engineering projects from almost 40 countries, competing in eight categories.

Among the winners:

Sophia Drozd. Model risks and study consequences, predict the future

The scientific space of Kyiv Polytechnic is expanding its horizons: Sophia Drozd, a master's student of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis at the School of FTI, working under the supervision of the Head of the Department, Professor Natalia Kussul, successfully presented Kyi

KPI student at GEO Week 2023

Sofia Drozd, a master's student of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis, took part in the International GEO Week 2023, which took place in Cape Town.

KPI-OPEN programming competition 2023

In the midst of summer, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute held the traditional International Open Student Programming Olympiad named after S.O. Lebedev and V.M. Glushkov "KPI-OPEN 2023" for the sixteenth time.

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