Valuable gift from company KraftPowercon

A world leading power supply manufacturer KraftPowercon is a global company with production facilities in Sweden . This company was made a donation of the department of the technology electrochemical production ( TEHV) HTF the rectifiers Flex Kraft.

Portable installation "Owl" purifies water

Among the winners of the festival "Sikorsky Challenge 2014", which took place in NTUU "KPI" and gathered the best innovative projects of national scientists, there is the development of the researcher Laboratory of Environmental Technology FCT T.Yu.Nizhnik.

New achievement chemists FCT- monomolecular hydrocarbon diode

In recent years, modern personal computers, tablets and mobile phones become more powerful, while their processors are rapidly decreasing in size. Elements of computer processors - transistors - have a size of about 20 nm and consist of only a few hundred atoms.

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