KPI Students at Chemistry Olimpiad

This year's All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Chemistry was held April 22-25 at the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University (Dnipropetrovsk). Competitions were held in three categories - "General Chemistry" for students of chemical specialities, "Chemistry" for students of medical, biotechnological, agronomic and environmental professions and "Chemistry" for students of chemical and chemical-engineering specialities.

Scholarship holder of President from FCT

Old-timers still remember that the Faculty of Chemical Technologies was once called the faculty of brides and wanted the graduates first get married, and then the approach professional realization. The current "chemists" are educated and ambitious.

The One to Get President Grant

Not with standing unpredictable economic and political situations, the programs of the young scientists’ support still work. For example, the edict about appointment of grants of the President of Ukraine to young scientists was signed.

Kosohina Irina Volodymyrivna. We care about the safe environment

Our existing technology for treatment of the industrial wastewater, which are contaminated with surfactants and organic dyes of different type and origin, not allow to provide full neutralization of pollutants contained in industrial effluents, tand in the same time it causes ecological damag

Ukrainian Youth Water Prize - 2013

Water: how not to pollute, not clean - a definite conclusion made by high school students in their works submitted to the contest "Ukrainian Youth Water Prize", the final of which was held on 9-12 April 2013 at NTUU KPI at the Chemical Engineering Department.

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