Epics of Kyiv Polytechnic

In our time, the enrollment into the KPI was not easy, and training in it - much harder. Among the recognized almost by all of the most difficult education subjects the theory of machines and mechanisms – TMM is occupied the leading place.

Yurchyshyn Oksana Yaroslavivna. Young teacher-researcher from IME

At present Oksana Yaroslavivna Yurchyshyn is the assistant professor of the Department of Design of Machine Tools and Machines at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of NTUU “KPI”. But not so long ago, in 2003 she came to the Chair for post-graduate studying.

Kuznetsov Yuri Nikolaevich. Biography

Y.M. Kuznetsov was born June 24, 1940 in the city Kherson in the family of a serviceman. After graduating with a silver medal Kyiv secondary railway school, he entered in 1957 at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Odessa Polytechnic Institute.

Research school of KPI mechanics

Establishing of Mechanical Scientific School is directly connected with the creation in Kiev Polytechnic the Department of strength of materials. An outstanding scientist and organizer of Mechanical Engineering Education, the first rector of KPI Distinguished Professor Victor L. Kirpichev first substantiated the need for fundamental reform of higher engineering education in accordance with the actual needs of the industry and transition mechanics science (as the basis of technology) in new "Physics and Technology" during his development.

Leonid Holovko – a professor-researcher

We keep letting our readers know the winners of all-university competition “Professor-researcher – 2007”. The point at issue is about Leonid Holovko, the professor of Laser Technology and Material Science Department of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing.


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