Academic building #7

Address of building No. 7: 37-k Beresteiskyi Avenue (Old address: 37 Peremohy Ave.)
General project organization "KyivZNDIEP". Construction of the complex in 1975-1985. Building of the General Technical Faculty.

Helmut Choke is a honorary doctor MMI

May 23, 2008 in the conference room of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI" was awarded the diploma of Honorary Doctor MMI NTUU "KPI" Director of the institute automotive industry Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg prof. Helmut Choke.

Dormitory #20

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute hostel number 20 (MMI, ZF, FSP): 03056, Kyiv, str. Borschagivska 144
Tel. 204 90 09
Block System: shower and toilet for two rooms

Students with special needs

According to statistics, from 2.5 million students having home education at the institutions of I-IV levels of accreditation, 8000 are people with special needs (disabilities).

Rodin Peter Rodionovich

Peter Rodionovich Rodin was born on June 17, 1922 in Kriuky village, Vladimir region, in a large forester’s family. His father was the only literate person in the village, owned a library, and his mother looked after the farm and took care of 8 children. In 1938, left the school with honors, P.R. Rodin entered the Moscow Aviation Institute of Technology (MAIT) for Faculty of Motorbuilding. He combined studying with his work at the plant. In 1945, Peter Rodionovich graduated with honors and enrolled in MAIT postgraduate course. In 1949, a young scientist defended his candidate's thesis and worked at the Odessa Polytechnic Institute until 1963. Firstly, he worked as a senior lecturer of Metal-cutting machines and tools department, then as an associate professor, head of the department, the dean of the Mechanical Department, and professor. Studies , conducted at that time, formed the basis of his doctoral thesis, which he defended in 1961.

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