Rina Novohrudska - researcher at ESITS

Assistant of the Department of Information Telecommunication Networks Rina L. Novogrudskaya is a promising engineer of intelligent analysis of information and models and methods of knowledge representation on specialized Internet portals.

Get Education and See the World

Year 2013 has become the lucky one for Oleg Lavrynenko who is the advanced student of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems. He has become not only the presidential grant holder but was chosen as "The Student of the Year 2013" of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems NTUU KPI.

Celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of the department of telecommunications and ITS

On May 29th in the hall of the Council of NTUU "KPI" were celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of the Department of Telecommunications and the 10th anniversary of its formation on the basis of educational institute of telecommunication systems NTUU "KPI".

The president, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Michael Zakharovych Zgurovsky opened the meeting, which united all the generations of students, faculty and staff of ITS, as well as representatives of government, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, colleagues from other universities and business partners.

Tatiana Kot. Specialist in IT technologies

Associate Professor, Department of Information and Telecommunication Systems ESITS Tatyana Kot, who won the university competition "The young teacher-researcher - 2014", works in the Kiev Polytechnic for six years.

Dormitory #12

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute dormitory number 12 (ITS, ISZZI): 03057, Kyiv - 57, Mykhaila Braichevskoho street, 7/15 (former Metallistiv Street)

Globa Larisa Sergiivna. Business Lady from ESITS

For 6 years the department of information and telecommunication networks, Telecommunication Systems Institute is headed by Larisa Sergiivna Globa - PhD, professor, lecturer and researcher, beautiful, charming woman and, by definition of students, "Mother of information".

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