Sport spring in ETS – 2015

Sunny days give pleasure not only to gardeners but also athletes that went from gyms to outdoor areas. In the spring the campus has hosted numerous sporting events, in which its students have shown good results.

ITS students on competition in telecommunications

27-29 April 2015 in Odessa, the Odessa National Academy connection to them. Ukrainian Olympiad maned after Popov held in telecommunications. In the competition was attended by students from 9 technical universities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Odesa, Lviv and Zaporozhye.

Learning when you are young will be useful for old age

Roman Zhogov was the first in the Institute of Telecommunication Systems, who received a scholarship Rector NTUU "KPI" being only the 3rd year student. He regularly participates in conferences, studies well, works hard with his supervisor S.

Seminar Council of Young Scientists

February 26 Council of Young Scientists "KPI" held another thematic seminar on "Initiative study in" KPI "and promising areas as a way of organizing collective and interdisciplinary work."

The seminar was attended by teachers, graduate students and university students.

Looking to the future

November 16 - Day of radio, television and communication. For faculty, staff and students of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems NTUU "KPI" this holiday is important and is always celebrated in a special way.

ESITS students on an internship in Germany

Students of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems KPI, who were lucky enough to get a scholarship to study abroad, share impressions of their stay in the master's University of Technology Dresden.

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