The public right educational event for students

On November 17, took place the public right educational event of the Main Regional Department of Justice in Kyiv and the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

The awarding of the President’s scholarship winners

On November, 13 the ceremony of awarding the winners of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads on basic subjects and the All-Ukrainian competition for the protection of research works of pupils - members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine diplomas of the winners of the scholarship of the President of Ukraine was held in the KPI.

Vacancy Fair «beAhead. Fall 2017»

November, 9, a vacancy fair “beAhead. Fall 2017” was hosted by the Igor Sikosrky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. More than 35 companies took part in it, interested in attracting prospective students and young specialists to their states.

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