To improve the quality of the educational process at our university in November 2019 to the Provisional Regulation on the organization of educational process in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was amended to raise the requirements for department heads.
Now, at the end of the contract, the department heads have to report on the results of the department's activity during their tenure at the meeting of the University Expert Qualification Commission (EQC), which takes place with the participation of representatives of the relevant commissions of the Academic Council of the University. According to the results of this report, the EQC provides or does not recommend participation in the competition for the post of Head of Department for the next term.
On December 3, 2019, a meeting under the leadership of the First Vice-Rector of the University of NAS of Ukraine Yakimenko, of the University EQC was held, at which the heads of the departments, whose the term of office expires, were reported. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Scientific and Educational Commissions of the Scientific Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The deputy head of the department of biosafety and human health, doctor of mathematical sciences and professor of FBMI Khudetsky, the deputy head of the department of applied mathematics doctor of technical sciences, professor Chertov, the deputy head of the department of theoretical electro technic, doctor of technical sciences and professor Ostroverkhov, the deputy head of the department of mathematical analysis and probability theory, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and professor Klesov, the deputy head of the department of psychology and pedagogics, doctor of psychological sciences and professor Volyanyuk, the deputy head of the Department of Sociology, doctor of social sciences and professor Kutuyev delivered speech at the meeting.
They presented the results of the departments' self-analysis, indicators of the quality of training of specialists, reported on the development of material and technical base, cooperation with employers. They also presented a plan for the development of the departments and measures to get rid of drawbacks identified by the experts of the department of quality of educational process during the integrated monitoring of the activities of the departments, which preceded the reports. After each report, it was discussed by the meeting participants.
So, the first discussion of the reports of the department heads at the EQC meeting took place. In the future, such discussions will be held regularly.