Presentation of bolide Formula Student KPI

October 7, 2015 in NTUU "KPI" there was a presentation of the racing car class Formula SAE, which was designed and constructed by students NTUU "KPI" led by head of the integrated technology engineering department MMI Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Vitalii Pasichnyk.

Jack Shwager's Lection

In October, 2015 NTUU "KPI" was visited by a famous expert in financial market branch, trader, author of well-known bestsellers "The Market Wizards from Hedge Fund", "Stock Wizards», «The New Magician of Market".

Pure water for Donbas and the whole Ukraine

Memorandum on collaboration in the field of water purification between “RML” Water (USA), “Agency for Donbas development”, “Nature technologies” ltd. as well as Scientific Park “Kyiv Politechnics” has been ratified in September, 28 in NTUU “KPI”.

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