Meeting with SAS representatives (USA)

A delegation of SAS (Special Aerospace Service) with its chief technical officer and cofounder Tim Bulk as well as project managers Bill Clark and Ken Lindas visited NTUU "Igor Sikorsky KPI" in October, 5.

Violin concert in Big Chemical Room

Famous Japanese violinist Daichi Nakamura gave a performance for polytechnics that was hold in Big Chemical Room on 22th September. The event took place with the assistance of Ukrainian-Japanese center and personally former head of diplomatic mission of Japan in Ukraine (2008-2011), Tadashi Izava.

Final conference of the project «UKRAINE»

On 21st September in NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, the conference of “Ukraine Distribution in technology, knowledge and innovation based on the use of EGNSS system” took place. It was the final conference of the project “UKRAINE”. There was summed up the work of consortium under the project that have been started in January 2015. Consortium was consisted of nine organizations from six European countries.

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