To the Land of Knowledge!

“Roads of the Land of Knowledge” is the collection of essays published at the end of last year. These essays were published in the popular science magazine for young people “Land of Knowledge”.

Ecological and regional expedition

It is the seventh consecutive year when the tourist club “Skif” of NTUU “KPI” ‘s campus take part in ecological and regional expeditions as a part of the annual Ukrainian move “Save the nature together”. During this time, participants of the long-term campaigns through the waterways of Ukraine include 350 kiev polytechnics considering students from Vietnam, China, Kazakhstan.

Main tasks that have every expedition is to propagate the healthy way of active lifestyle.

Dear liberators, dear WWII veterans!

Many years have passed since the memorable May,1945. However, today the great feat of defenders and liberators remains an inexhaustible source of patriotism, that faithfully service to his people.

Through the trails of Crimea

Students During the May holidays the KPI students attending the tourism section joined forces with the pupils of the School #2 of Vyshniovka to go on a hiking trip of the first category of difficulty through the caves of Crimea.

The Price of the Great Victory: Ukrainian Dimension

Every state has some dates which signify remarkable events. May 9, the Victory Day, is such a date for Ukraine.

Every year, as May begins, the activity of governmental and non-governmental institutions increases: at different levels of public administration more attention is drawn to the participants in the Great Patriotic War, battle-front veterans and children of war. The reasons why the war was unleashed, nations' and states' participation and contribution to the Victory, its effects on the further development of the society are still being discussed by journalists, politicians and scholars specializing on the war. Films and series about the war are shown on TV.

Voice of victory. Yurii Borysovych Levitan

Many people believe that the personal enemy of Adolf Hitler was a legendary submariner, the Hero of the Soviet Union Oleksandr Ivanovych Marynesko (1913-1963), which is sent to the bottom of the Baltic Sea the ship called "Wilhelm Hustlov" with five thousand people on the board.

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