It is no secret that the important area of work of NTUU “KPI” is attraction and support of scientific activity of new generation of young scientists. Among the most successful representatives of scientific youth of our university it is made a note of staff of research laboratory of the nonlinear analysis of differential and operator systems of research department of system mathematics of academic complex “IASA” which is headed by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Pavlo Olegovich Kasyanov under the scientific advising of the academician of NAS of Ukraine M.Z. Zgurovsky.
The circle of areas of expertise of the group of P.O.Kasyanov covers a wide range of tasks that emerge in various areas of mathematical science. In particular, scientific research is connected with the nonlinear analysis of differential and operator systems for the tasks of the data analysis of Earth, tasks of optimal control, tasks of the theory of Markovian decision process etc. As a part of research projects and grants, which are carried out in academic complex “IASA”, Pavlo Olegovich and his team received a great number of fundamental results on constructive methods of the solution of a broad class of evolutionary containment and qualitative properties of solutions of tasks under test. According to the results of the performed works a number of scientific works in the leading domestic and foreign editions which are included in the main scientometrical bases (Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) was published. Moreover, P. A. Kasyanov in a co-authorship published 5 monographs (2 in the publishing house “Naukova Dumka”, 3 in the publishing house “Springer” in series “the Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics”).
The results of scientific work of laboratory were repeatedly supported at the state level. In 2012 the research of collective were awarded a grant of the President of Ukraine for support of scientific research of young scientists. The main idea of researches consisted in studying of the tasks following the laws of nonlinear and multivalued collaborative function. Relevance of development of mathematical apparatus for such tasks is defined by necessity of more exact description and forecasting of the arising geophysical effects, for example, in problems of changes of climatic characteristics, influences of radiation on the average temperature of Earth, processes of distribution of harmful additives in the atmosphere taking into account the effects of the so-called heat island, temperature inverse and many other things. In the same year scientific activity of collective under the leadership of P. O. Kasyanov was awarded by National academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a part of the subject matter “Evolutionary Containment and curves of Variation of Tasks of the Data Analysis on Earth”. The scientific results received in the course of researches allowed to connect with leading world academic centers. Within area of researches dissertation works on competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences are preparing. It is pleasant that this year the staff of department became again the winners of competition of projects of research works of young scientists of NAS of Ukraine and competition on awarding grants of the President of Ukraine for support of scientific researches of young scientists.
However young scientists don't stop on what has been reached. Except already mentioned areas of work, the collective is planning to expand the subject matter of researches, to consider wider classes of tasks, to develop new, more flexible mathematical apparatus for their studying, to improve tools of long- and short-term forecasting of behavior of operated processes of various nature and to concentrate attention on applied aspects of already received theoretical results.
The group of young scientists actively participates in various competitions of research works and competitions directed on support of scientific activity of young scientists. So we wish the staff of laboratory of the nonlinear analysis of differential and operator systems new creative achievements, inspiration, further progress and achievements on a wide scientific field.