On the Intellectual Property Day [research and practical training workshop “Practical Application of Forensic Enquiry of Intellectual Property Objects in Ukraine”]

In 2013 the International Intellectual Property Day, celebrated on April 26 every year, was celebrated under the slogan of "Creativity: Next Generation". With this motto it draws the attention of the general public to the role of youth in the country’s development. The progress of modern science, culture and arts is tied to young people. The youth are open to perception of knowledge, easily acquire skills and abilities, have an immense intellectual potential and extraordinary creative abilities which manifest themselves in the perception, picturesqueness of thought, restless imagination, aspiration for fantasy, relaxedness and keen memory typical of young adults. The notion of youth is directly associated with that of the future. And thus, more attention is being drawn to the issues of raising the younger generation’s interest in intellectual property, one of the most important phenomena of the XXI century.

Members of the SAS presented the world their inventions

On April, 25 two hundred and fifty finalists of Ukraine defense of scientific researches, students of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in front of the main building of NTUU " KPI" released into the sky colored balloons with tied to them names of their inventions.


From March 1 to April 24, 2013 in volleyball gymnasium of the sports complex of NTUU "KPI" within the University Olympics were competitions among the volleyball teams of different faculties. The competition was attended by 25 teams of institutes and university departments.

Energy Management Academic Competition

Ukrainian student energy management academic competition took place at NTUU “KPI” at the premises of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management on 22-24 of April 2013 and there were represented 11 key Universities of Ukraine. Such competitions are of the great importance at present because they promote ideas of energy and nature resources saving, implementing of the alternative energy sources.

During 3 days of the competition there was the main competition round, contestants visited The National Polytechnic Museum of NTUU “KPI”, panel of judges chose winners in the team and individual competitions, the organizing committee summed up the results and awarded contestants with diplomas, presents from the sponsors.

Faculty of aviation and space systems - 20!

Faculty of aviation and space systems - one of the youngest faculties of NTUU "KPI" created for the solution of needs of Ukraine as sovereign the aviation and space power country according to the decision of Council of university in May, 1993.

Educational innovations: the third generation test machine

Availability modern laboratory stands and educational technology has always been an indicator of quality of teaching technical subjects, which benefits our university distinguished among other universities, especially private, confirming the high level of responsibility and professional attitude

Sports Tourism

April 19, 2013 according to the Program Olympics of NTUU "KPI" were competitions in sport tourism which were attended by 55 students (40 boys, 15 girls) from 13 institutes and university departments. Competitions were held at two distances: personally-command "line of obstacles of the 1st class" and team distance "Cross trekking II class." On a personal distance "line of obstacles of the 1st class" among women with large margin from rivals won the first-year student Victoria Datsenko (ESEMI), the second place got the third year student Marina Ruban (CIDE), the third place got the second year student Maria Pashen'ko ( FCE).

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