Engineering and Computer Graphics Competition

On 21-22nd 2013 at Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics Department of Physical and mathematical Faculty took place General University Contest for students. Branch of learning is “Engineering and Computer Graphics” and nominations are: “Engineering and Computer Graphics.

Science Must Become Popular Again

Considerable scientific potential of Ukraine is focused in higher education system (70 % of doctors and candidates of sciences ). Preparation of 81% and 85% of doctoral graduate students is carried out with higher education.


"What do you need to know to create a "smart planet "? " - Open educational seminar on this topic was held on May, 21 in a big physical lecture hall of NTUU "KPI".

Agreement with the Harbin Institute of Technology

On the 16th of May, the agreement on the collaboration was signed by NTUU “KPI” and the Harbin Institute of Technology (PRC). It is the basic document which predetermines the development of cooperation and defines its main terms and conditions. It has provided a logical development for the traditions of partnership of the both universities originating from 1987.

The education establishment, the delegation of which has visited NTUU “KPI”, belongs to the group of the nine best universities of People’s Republic of China (RPC). Its faculties, schools and laboratories comprise the whole range of training of specialists for the work at real economic sectors. The university is especially proud of the subdivisions which conduct trainings of the future specialists who will work at the peak of scientific and technical progress, in particular, the best Space Exploration School in China. The Institute has also two branches.

Ukrainian Youth Water Prize - 2013

Water: how not to pollute, not clean - a definite conclusion made by high school students in their works submitted to the contest "Ukrainian Youth Water Prize", the final of which was held on 9-12 April 2013 at NTUU KPI at the Chemical Engineering Department.

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